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had potential, but...

I guess I feel like this had a ton of potential, and it just didn't pay off. Using the dangers of writing on one's desk is an excellent premise (great job!) and it had me very interested, and rooting for it from the start (again, great job!). Furthermore, your animation style was smooth and interesting, along with your use of color and pacing (great job yet again!). But after all those really positive things, we get "until you stab your eye."

I'm trying to figure out why you used that. I mean, I suppose it could be because you feel that most of the NG audience appreciates things that are just senselessly violent, or just pure physical comedy. But, that's not necessarily so. Even if we DO love that stuff, we can just go watch "Soft Outer Crust." Or, maybe you did the "stab/tiger" thing because you had so many good elements lined up, and you couldn't come up with anything better, but you still wanted to make and post the animation. If that was the case, I'd say you ought not jump so quickly, and spend more time on the script.

The obvious third reason was that you actually thought the "stab/tiger" thing would be really great. I don't believe that. You show too much skill here for me to believe you'd think such rote material is actually quality.

I predict we'll be seeing a lot of good things from you in the future, provided we don't have our eyes pierced with sharp objects over and over and over and over and over again.

wowHOWnow responds:

Thanks man, this was really good constructive criticism, it was encouraging. Just had to say thanks...

there you go!

want a quick, funny movie with clean animation and illustration? this is it! so, the next time you're needing a flash-fix, reach for "Fire Cracker!"

not bad

this wasn't bad. i liked your illustration - very clean. good storyline, too.

this was, on the whole, enjoyable, but i do have one critical thing to say: it was a bit heavy-handed. i'm not sure you're giving enough credit to your audience. we may be stupid people who hang around and watch flash movies, but i don't think we're so dumb that we needed to have the whole "why is there smog?" thing explained so slowly and completely.

in fact, i rather think leaving us to deduce why the smog is there WITHOUT having your character go into it all over again would have been better.

the big toothy grin in the end totally made up for the "hey, i'll just plant a tree, and all will be great" ending; with that mug, you took it from "aw gee" to self-deprecating. i like that.


It's hard to feel sympathy when you're being bashed in the head so hard by a theme. Also, the whole, "And I'll never fall in love again," ending was counterproductive. The best you could hope for - as far as emotional responses from your audience - is that we feel pity. But if you turn on us and say you'll never love again...then what's the point?

Sorry bad shit went down, though.

Good but problematic

I have three main problems with this otherwise well made animation:

1. No narrative. This was a flatline, no more compelling (or uncompelling) by the end then there was at the beginning. In fact some scenes seemed extraneous.

2. Certain illustration: It's not that you're not a good illustrator; you are. But the cartoonish look of this coupled with the serious ethereal music were sometimes not compatible. For instance, the close up of the missile. That looked comedic more than anything.

3. The fade outs. Every five or six seconds there would be a fade to black then a new scene. That is WAY tiresome. AND, it does NOT help the fact you have no narrative established. It's like flipping through a scrapbook, and very little unfolding.

I don't want to come off too negative, because in fact, you clearly have talent. And, my hat is tipped to you for making a great effort at tackling an impossibly huge subject.

not one redeeming thing

first of all the pacing was terrible. secondly, i think most people could predict everything that was going to happen. thirdly, the "aw shucks" moment when he gets stuck dragged it down a rung. and lastly, the guy shoots him down? not funny. total cop out ending.

the actual stick figure animation wasn't bad, though.

overall: flawed

The concept isn't terrible, and the animation is pretty good, actually, but:

The flying episode had a hokey-ness level only rivaled by "Full House."

Too many shit jokes aren't funny. Actually, even one is usually not funny at all.

That left you with the deadly hand. I don't know, the big pay off is that it turns into a gun and shoots him? That's not really all that funny. Maybe if you actually showed the gore, or if the gun shot the princess instead of Mario. Some kind of twist or something.

You have animation skills. But, I don't think that's the most important thing that goes into an animation (counter-intuitive as that may seem).

what it is

score another one for the clock crew. the only problem with this movie (or, the only one that doesn't work in its favor since it's a cc movie) is that there are no computer voices. gotta have the computer voices.

Sir-CannabisClock responds:

lol, I'll have them next time...


brilliant. very original. flawless execution. feels like theft that we get to watch this stuff for free.


here's what makes this a great (and unique) animation (especially for NG):

1. perfect pacing.
2. witty without feeling like a standup act.
3. voice over narration.
4. the dr katz style of animation (squigglevision!)
5. really unpretentious.

here's why it's not a perfect 10:

1. the stupid people are animated as "rednecks" or "white trash." i'm an urban-raised, college graduated, northerner who does not wear overalls and a cowboy hat, so it's not like i'm defending my own, but: it's a bit trite.

2. the end "getting drunk and fucked up." again, a bit trite. if anyone can make a unique and witty remark about being in college (without having to rely on sex, alcohol, or drugs), i'd think it would be this author. but, that didn't happen here.

however, don't let these two minor details overshadow the fact that this is a simply great piece of animation.

I could make a career of being blue. I could dress in black and read Camus. Smoke clove cigarettes and drink vermouth like I was 17, that would be a scream. But, I don't want to get over you. - Stephin Merrit

Age 45, Male

freelance writer

BA of English - U of Illinois


Joined on 5/9/03

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